After Hours Water/Sewer Emergency 409-755-7377
After Hours Water/Sewer Emergency 409-755-7377
All development in the floodplain requires a permit per the current City of Bevil Oaks Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance. Development includes, but is not limited to, all new construction, filling, grading, and paving. Substantially damaged or improved structures, where the cost of repair (regardless of the cause of damage) or improvements to a structure equals or exceeds 50% of the building’s market value, also require building permits and elevation certificates, and are held to the same standards as new construction.
Communities participating in the National Flood Insurance Program must regulate to minimum standards in order to provide subsidized flood insurance to their citizens.
Contact Mike Collier, the city’s Floodplain Administrator, for advice before you construct or place anything in the floodplain to ensure the proper regulations are followed. Any development in the floodplain without a permit is illegal, and such activity should be reported to the Building Department.
Permit information and elevation certificates on some properties in the floodplain are on file, are posted to the website (, and may be requested from the Building Department. For more information on requirements for development, refer to the Code of Ordinances page ( to view Chapter 207 in its entirety.