After Hours Water/Sewer Emergency 409-755-7377
After Hours Water/Sewer Emergency 409-755-7377
It is important to know the difference between a flood WATCH and a flood WARNING.A flash flood watch is flooding that is possible in your area. A flash flood warning is flooding that is already occurring or will occur soon in your area. The best time to make sure you are ready for the next storm event is before one is headed your way. Have the following emergency supplies available in order to be prepared:
It is a good idea to have an emergency plan in place, and to follow these guidelines regarding safety.
· Before you leave, turn off all utilities, gas, and electricity at the main switch. Stay away from power and electrical lines. Be alert for gas leaks.
· Do not walk through flowing water. Drowning is the number one cause of flood related deaths. Flood waters can also contain contaminants and pests (i.e., snakes).
· Currents can be deceptive; six inches of moving water can knock a person off his feet.
· Do not drive through a flooded area. More people drown in their cars than in any other location, and it only takes two feet of water to move a car. Remember " Turn around, Don't Drown"!