After Hours Water/Sewer Emergency 409-755-7377
After Hours Water/Sewer Emergency 409-755-7377
PWS ID: TX1230049 PWS Name: City of Bevil Oaks Date: 11/20/24
We are required to replace our lines if any lead or GRR lines are found, but as a customer YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED to do the same on your side. Provided is some health information about reducing your lead exposure and city resources we have for examining/replacing your customer side line. See definitions below.
· Lead – a portion of or the entire service line is made from lead. People living in homes with a lead service line may have an increased risk of exposure to lead from their drinking water.
· Galvanized Requiring Replacement– a portion of or the entire service line is made from galvanized material and may have absorbed lead from upstream lead lines. People living in homes with a galvanized service line that has absorbed lead may have an increased risk of exposure to lead from their drinking water.
· Unknown (may contain lead) – a portion of or the entire service line material is unknown and may be lead or galvanized requiring replacement.
Please see attachment below for more information. We will be updating the service inventory as often as possible. If you don't see that your address has been completed yet, we haven't visited the site.
Customer Line Public Notice (pdf)
The City of Bevil Oaks will be conducting water service line evaluations as part of the EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule Improvements regulation. These evaluations will be conducted over the next several months as this has to be done on EVERY service connection.
You can visit the EPA website for more information about the testing that is being performed at .
** Just to clarify a pit hole means a small hole on each side of the meter box. **
The City had a TCEQ site visit on 1/19/2024. In addition to the site visit, the 4th quarter OEL report indicated that the TTHM's (trihalomethanes) for the site sample taken at 7175 Carroll (end of line on Carroll) was higher than normal. During the 4th quarter reporting period, the City was making adjustments to the chlorine system. Due to the work done, chlorine levels fluctuated causing the TTHM's to be higher, however, the City remained within the permissible amount of chlorine. The TTHM's are higher with a higher amount of chlorine. (See attached Maximum Contaminant Level PDF)
While going through the City's file history, it was discovered the 4th quarter OEL report for 2017, was submitted late due to Hurricane Harvey and the TCEQ issued a violation in 2024. The City had no prior violation concerning the 2017 4th quarter OEL report before now. ( See attached Public Notice-Monitoring & Reporting Violation OEL Report)