After Hours Water/Sewer Emergency 409-755-7377
After Hours Water/Sewer Emergency 409-755-7377
The City of Bevil Oaks is committed to providing its citizens with the knowledge and resources they can use to protect themselves and their property from flood hazards. Education, preparedness, and prevention are valuable and proven tools that help communities become resistant to natural disasters.
Regardless of where you live, you are at some risk for flooding, and Bevil Oaks is no exception. The information and links connected to this page have been created to serve as an “all inclusive” source for property owners in Bevil Oaks in order to increase awareness about flood hazards.
Floodplains provide a wide range of benefits to human and natural systems. They serve as flood storage and conveyance, and reduce flood velocities and flood peaks. Water quality is improved through the soil and vegetation’s ability to filter out nutrients and impurities from runoff and process organic wastes. Floodplains and wetlands provide breeding and feeding grounds for fish and wildlife, create and enhance waterfowl habitat, and protect habitats for rare and endangered species. They provide open space, aesthetic pleasure, and areas for active uses such as parks, playgrounds, and ball fields. Most of the flooding in Bevil Oaks has been as a result of super-sized events such as Hurricane Harvey in 2017 when Pine Island Bayou came out of its banks and flooded several homes. Jefferson County Drainage District #6 maintains several rain gauges including one placed at Pine Island Bayou at State Highway 105 (Site ID 1300) in Bevil Oaks. Jefferson County Drainage District #6 maintains a flood gauge located at Pine Island Bayou at the Highway 105 bridge. Go to current data on stream elevations and river forecasts.
Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) are issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to identify different levels of flood risks. The FIRMs are primarily used for flood insurance purposes, but they also provide a basis for Bevil Oaks to regulate development within those areas. The location of a property relative to certain flood zones indicates what restrictions may be placed on new and substantially improved construction. FEMA’s flood insurance and flood map explains the different flood zones and how they relate to risk. For more information on the different flood zone, please visit
FIRMs are available for viewing at City Hall located at 13560 River Oaks Blvd. in Beaumont. The maps are used by City for compliance purposes, and are also used by insurance agents for flood insurance rating. The current, effective FIRMs for Bevil Oaks are dated September 4, 1987. FEMA has been in the process of updating the maps for the past several years. For homes that were built prior to the date of the effective FIRM (September 4, 1987), it may be helpful for citizens to have access to all the historical maps to know what flood zone was in effect at the time of construction. Knowing this information can be critical if there is a dispute with a mortgage lender or insurance agent. FEMA's Map Service Center is a good resource for both current and historical maps.
FEMA has issued proposed new Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMS) for the City of Bevil Oaks. Some properties have moved from Zone X to Zone AE (Special Flood Hazard Area/SFHA) while others have moved from the SFHA into Zone X. These moves can have a huge monetary effect on your insurance premiums once the map is formally adopted. Some changes will have a negative impact on the cost of your insurance while others will reduce the amount of premium you are currently paying.
Call us at City Hall for more information.