After Hours Water/Sewer Emergency 409-755-7377
After Hours Water/Sewer Emergency 409-755-7377
March 03, 2025 by 5 P.M.
If payment is not received by 5pm, you will receive a $15.00 late fee.
March 13, 2025 by 5 P.M.
If payment is not received by 5 pm, you will receive a $25.00 disconnect fee
March 17, 2025.
If payment has still not been received, the services will be disconnected and you will receive a $25.00 reconnect fee.
April 01, 2025 by 5 P.M.
If payment is not received by 5pm, you will receive a $15.00 late fee.
April 14, 2025 by 5 P.M.
If payment is not received by 5 pm, you will receive a $25.00 disconnect fee
April 15, 2025
If payment has still not been received, the services will be disconnected and you will receive a $25.00 reconnect fee.
You can pay your bill online; all you need is your access code. Call the office or check your last monthly statement.
Click below and it will take you to the website.
Water Bills are due on the 1st business day of the following month
We can now sign you up for emailed billing! It is quick and the most efficient way to get your bill. You can receive your bill via email without paying on-line. Call the office today and ask how to get signed up!
Water Bills are due on the 1st business day of the following month
Water Ordinance # 252.1(A) Rate Schedule
Important changes to the water bills:
1. The due date has been changed from being the 21st of every month to being the first business day of the following month.
2. Disconnect fee- services will now be disconnected if you have a balance over $30 rather than the previous $10.
7. Returned Check- Previously a customer could have two returned check and then they were not allowed to pay by check any more period. Now the customer is allowed to have 2 returned checks a year. After the second returned check, the customer will NOT be allowed to pay via check until a year to date from the second returned check.
18. Previously a customer could only have 1 leak adjustment per two year period. Now, the customer is allowed to have a leak adjusted once a year.
19. Previously, if a customer needed an adjustment on their bill or a payment arrangement, they had to go before Council to get the adjustment. Now, the office manager/administrator can issue payment arrangements. I.E.- giving a customer an extension within permissible limits, a payment plan if the customer has a higher than normal bill (i.e. water leak, assessed charges for call-out fees, new water/sewer installation, installation of a secondary meter, etc.).
20. Senior Citizen Discount- 10% discount- This discount is given to senior citizens. The citizen must show proof of I.D. and sign the proper documentation at the City office. The citizen must be at least 62 years of age to qualify for the discount.
** Please see the rate sheet below for all rates and additional information.**
Question? 409-753-1475
• The base bill for 0-1,000 gallons is $45.00: this includes a user fee of $19.00
• You pay the same amount in sewer that you do in water unless you use over 7,500 gallons for a residential account. There is not a cap on a commercial account. After 7,500 gallons, there is a cap on the sewer, so there will not be an additional charge for sewer AFTER 7,500 gallons of use. For instance in a base bill it is as follows: $19.00-user fee, $13.00- water, $13.00 sewer. On a bill with over 7,500 gallons of usage, you will see the difference in water and sewer charges. For example in a bill that has 8,000 gallons of usage, it will be as follows: $19.00- user fee, $104- water, $97.50- sewer.
• The rate is .026 per gallon of usage
• We have smart meters, which means that they communicate by the cell towers, so they don't have to be manually read every month.
• You are NOT allowed to touch the meter box or anything inside of it. The equipment is very sensitive and it can be damaged very easily. If you need your water turned on/off, call the office and someone will be out to turn your water off as soon as possible.
• There is an app that you can download where you can see your water usage. It is called EyeonWater.
• Your meter reads every 24 hours in that system.
• The system will notify you when there is a leak or a continual usage.
• The bills are generated the first week of every month, so look for it in your email. The email address that it will be coming from is:
• We are paperless, so the bills will be sent via email. If you do not receive your bill, you can always call the office and we will give you your balance.
• Due Date: The bills are due on the 1st business day of the following month unless the 1st business day falls on a holiday, weekend or a day the office is closed. If your payment is not received by the close of business on the due date, you will receive a $15.00 late fee.
• Disconnects: 10 days after the due date at close of business, a disconnect fee of $25.00 will be added to your account and your service will be disconnected the following morning. Even if your services have not been disconnected, if the payment isn't received by 5:00, you will have to pay the past due balance + the late fee + the disconnect fee to have your service reconnected. If services get disconnected, there will be an additional $25.00 reconnect fee added, that will also have to be paid to turn your services back on.
Phone APP Instructions:
1. Go to the APP store on your Android or iPhone and search for “Eye on Water”
2. Download the free APP to your Android or iPhone
3. Open the APP
4. Tap on the Register button
5. Tap on “Enter your account information Manually”
6. Enter your Zip Code
7. Select your water provider (City of Bevil Oaks)
8. Enter your Account ID (may be obtain from City Hall or your most recent billing statement)
9. Enter a valid e-mail address
10. Create and confirm a password
11. Verify that you have read the Terms of Service
12. Tap on the Next button
13. An email will be sent to the address you provided
14. Click or tap on the link in the email to verify it is valid
15. You can now sign in to your account.
You can also go online from any computer with internet access to do the same thing.
Just go to